
預約流程 Reservation


報到流程 Registration

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【報名預告!】 暑期限定英語桌遊迷你俱樂部-112/06/12中午12:00起開放報名!!

發布日期 2023-06-09 11:55:00



火速揪團來上課,四人即開班!!  英/外語能力診斷輔導中心於6/12(一)中午12:00起開放報名英語桌遊迷你俱樂部 (小班制口語課程),讓你從桌遊中可以體驗雙語學習的快樂氛圍!!





課程週數: 每次上課2小時,8天課程,共計16小時。


報名日期: 112/6/12 (一)中午12:00-112/6/16(五)12:00


每班人數: 4-5人即開班 (同學自行組班上課,由您決定想跟誰當同學!)


課程方式: 小老師將精選2-3套桌遊,並以英語設計相關課程,讓同學可以邊玩邊學習!



填寫Google報名表: https://forms.gle/3oXqQSQGbMRhL42n8 待通知配對成功後至中心繳納保證金 報名完成 


 報名日期及截止日: 112/6/12(一)中午12:00起至112/6/16(五)中午12:00截止,欲報名者請排除萬難、手刀填寫報名表,以免向隅。




保證金 一人1000元整

印刷費 一人100元整





詳情請電洽07-3426031分機7403或親洽英/外語能力診斷輔導中心 (露德樓3F)

英/外語能力診斷輔導中心 敬啟



this topic

Dear all,


If you are interested in advancing language skills with your friends, Mini Oral Club is what you are looking for! Here is a kindly reminder:


Please invite at least three fellow students at Wenzao, and then you can start to register online (https://forms.gle/3oXqQSQGbMRhL42n8) from June 12th (12:00 p.m) to June 16th  (12:00p.m.)

Topic: Learning English with Board Games!

Each students group will be assigned to one of LDCC tutors. The tutor is very qualified to help peers improve their language proficiency level.

*Please be aware that we cannot guarantee you a Mini Oral Club as it is subject to the matching of your group's availability and the time slots offered by LDCC tutors.*


The Mini Oral Club will take place for 2 hours a time for 8 days. Once you have registered successfully, LDCC will inform you of paying a deposit (NT $1000 per person) and the photocopying fees (NT$100 per person).

If you are punctual for class all the time, attend each class session, and complete the pre-/post-test, you will have the deposit (NT1000 per person) returned and a certificate in the course.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact Sophia! (email: ldcc@mail.wzu.edu.tw/ tel:(07)342-6031#7403)


What are you waiting for? Come and join us! See you at LDCC!!


Language Diagnostic & Consulting Center (LDCC)