【歡迎報名】112學年度第1學期- 秘笈處方課程開始報名啦! 即日起至10/1(日)23:59開放全校學生報名!
發布日期 2023-09-22 13:49:00
想做出屬於自己的英文簡報?還是想在每次大考中都能輕鬆攻略焦點文法嗎? 快來報名!
1.至Dr.E-Learning平台預約報名: https://del.wzu.edu.tw/
A) 主題式英文簡報實力培養:求職&出國交換實作課程 (10/05-11/23 期中週不停課) 每週四 15:00-17:30 商雅君老師
B) 焦點文法解題攻略班 (10/06-11/24 期中週不停課)每週五 15:00-17:30 商雅君老師
2. 登入後→選擇輔導療程: 處方課程/講座-達陣課程→選擇欲上課程並點選「尚可預約」→同意上課須知與預約規則後,點選「送出」
3.收到本中心之開班成功通知後,至中心繳交或以匯款方式繳交保證金1,000元與印刷費100元 (共1,100元),並填寫課程同意書
Dear all,
LDCC (Language Diagnostic & Consulting Center) provides three intensive English courses in this semester, including
①Self-Presentation Skills:How to Present yourself like a Pro 10/05-11/23) Thursday 15:00-17:30
②Grammar-Pick-Me-Up: on clauses (10/06-11/24) Friday 15:00-17:30
You only need to pay a NT1,000 deposit (refundable as long as you can abide by all the course regulations) and a printing fee of NT100. Please do not wait until the last minute when it comes to such a popular English course with a high reputation! If this course is fully booked before due, we will stop recruiting students.
If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, please contact us at #7403
Registration information
Please follow the steps to register online:
1. Log onto Dr.E-Learning with your student’s account :
2. Choose the “Remedial Courses session”→ Select the courses you want to take → Press the “Available” button to make a registration → Agree with the instructions then “Submit”
2. Pay the deposit (NT$1,000) and the printing fee (NT$100) at LDCC or through Wire transfer after receiving E-mails or other communication system of the the number of the enrolled students reached the threshold.
Language Diagnostic & Consulting Center (LDCC)