發布日期 2025-02-11 10:14:00
Linguaskill Business 劍橋領思 - 職場英語
職場溝通 × 商務應用 × 專業表達
職場溝通 × 商務應用 × 專業表達
Linguaskill General 劍橋領思 - 實用英語
日常交流 × 校園生活 × 旅行購物
日常交流 × 校園生活 × 旅行購物

▶時間:15:00-17:00 (15:00-15:10報到)
▶講師:余馥均 Valerie Yu 英語學考方案顧問
學生報名網址: https://del.wzu.edu.tw/
學生請至Dr. E-Learning平台報名
Step 1:使用任何電子裝置(手機、平板、筆電都可以喔!)開啟任一瀏覽器→登入Dr. E-Learning
Step 2:選擇「預約報名作業」→選擇「English」-「處方課程/講座」→選擇「講座/工作坊」類別
Step 3:報名成功!!
請登入Dr. E-Learning→姓名選單下拉後→療程記錄查詢→處方課程/講座選單
教職員報名(Google 表單):https://reurl.cc/qnA8xN
Dear students, teachers and colleagues:
LDCC (Language Diagnostic & Consulting Center) has invited the lecturer Valerie Yu, to give an introduction to the Cambridge Linguaskill exam on March 26th. Anyone who is interested is welcome to come along after they have registered on Dr. E-Learning.
▶Topic: Take the English Proficiency Test, you deserve a better choice: Let's get to know and break through the Cambridge English Proficiency Test together.
▶Date: 2025/03/26 (Wed.)
▶Time: 15:00-17:00 (15:00-15:10 Sign-up)
▶Venue: W006
▶Lecturer: Valerie Yu
Deadline for registration: from now on till 17:00 on March 21st (Fri.)
For students :Dr. E-Learning:https://del.wzu.edu.tw/
Please register on Dr. E-Learning
Step1: Log onto Dr. E-Learning with your student ID and password
Step2: Select 'Registration'→ Choose 'English' session - 'Remedial Courses/workshops' → Choose the lecture you would like to attend
Step3: Successful registration
*You can check the status of your registration in the section of ‘History of reservations’ below your name on Dr. E-Learning.
For teachers and colleagues:https://reurl.cc/qnA8xN
Language Diagnostic & Consulting Center