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【LDCC工作坊-電影時/食光】-我的Google好友! 快來一起看電影、吃午餐、喝飲料!

發布日期 2023-09-22 13:54:00

剛開學好多活動好新鮮! 快來LDCC中午看短片!還可以跟小老師用英文互動、喝飲料&拿獎品喔!


LDCC邀請全校學生一同來參與我們的-電影時/食光! LDCC的口語小老師們帶領同學在午餐時間,邊吹冷氣、看影片,還可以邊享用午餐! 看完影片後,還有小老師們設計的英語有趣問答及互動,讓同學可以看得開心也玩得開心喔! 趕快找上三五好友,一起來LDCC好好把握午餐時間!



Lunch Date with Movies in LDCC –My bestie, Google

日期: 112/9/27

時間: 12:10-13:00

地點: LDCC 2F 互動區 (報名成功者,當日請攜帶學生證報到)

活動主持人: LDCC 小老師: Angel &Lily

人數上限: 12


學生請至Dr. E-Learning平台報名

Step 1:使用任何電子裝置(手機、平板、筆電都可以喔!)開啟任一瀏覽器登入Dr. E-Learning

Step 2:選擇「預約報名作業」選擇「English-「處方課程/講座」選擇「講座/工作坊」類別

Step 3:報名成功!!


請登入Dr. E-Learning姓名選單下拉後療程記錄查詢處方課程/講座選單




敬祝 平安順心

/外語能力診斷輔導中心 敬啟2023.09.22


Dear students,


Language Diagnostic & Consulting Center has invited oral tutors from LDCC to provide, Lily and Angel, to hold the Movie Time with US about “My besite, Google!” on September, 27 th, 2023.

Anyone who is interested in watching videos with some fun and activities is welcome to come along after they have registered on Dr. E-Learning.

Welcome the participates bring your lunch with you during the movie time! LDCC will offer everyone some drinks as well! Ask your friends to join us!

This activity will conduct in mostly English and Chinese!


  1. Lunch Date with Movies in LDCC –My bestie, Google

Date: 112/9/27

Time: 12:10-13:00 (Bring your lunch with you!)

Venue: LDCC 2F (Remember to bring your student ID card for registration)

Host: Angel &Lily

Maximum number of people: 12


Please register on Dr. E-Learning

Step1: Log onto Dr. E-Learning with your student ID and password

Step2: Select Registration→ ChooseEnglishsession-Remedial Courses/workshops→ Choose the lecture you would like to attend

Step3: Successful registration


*You can check the status of your registration in the section of ‘History of reservations’ below your name on Dr. E-Learning.




Language Diagnostic & Consulting Center (LDCC)

