【比賽公告】2024「文藻盃」文藻AI口說風雲賽:朗讀與跟讀大比拼 公告進入決賽名單 Announcement of Finalists for the 2024 Wenzao AI Speaking Stars: The Ultimate Read Aloud & Shadowing Battle
發布日期 2024-11-27 09:20:00
1. 朗朗上口
2. 氟氯碳化物分解釋放活性氯和溴原子
3. 倒數第一名
4. 三人行必有我師
5. 大聲說英語
6. Powerpuff Girls
7. 86上山了
8. 獎金給我
9. 神秘人
10. UAUC
★ 除公告外以電子郵件及電話通知以上組別組長 ★
▶ 決賽時間:2024年12月4日(三) 15:00-17:00
▶ 決賽報到時間:2024年12月4日(三) 15:00-15:20 (憑學生證報到)
▶ 決賽地點:露德樓3樓外診中心
We are grateful for your passionate participation! The preliminary competition of the 2024 Wenzao AI Speaking Stars: The Ultimate Read Aloud & Shadowing Battle closed at 12:00 PM on Friday, November 22, 2024.
Ⅰ. Announcement of Finalist Groups:
1. 朗朗上口
2. 氟氯碳化物分解釋放活性氯和溴原子
3. 倒數第一名
4. 三人行必有我師
5. 大聲說英語
6. Powerpuff Girls
7. 86上山了
8. 獎金給我
9. 神秘人
10. UAUC
★ Group leaders will be informed by email and phone in addition to the announcement. ★
Ⅱ. Final Competition Information:
▶ Final Competition Date & Time: December 4, 2024 (Wednesday) from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
▶ Check-in Time: 3:00 PM to 3:20 PM (Student ID required)
▶ Venue: Lourdes Hall, 3rd Floor, Language Diagnostic & Consulting Center
▶ Check-in Time: 3:00 PM to 3:20 PM (Student ID required)
▶ Venue: Lourdes Hall, 3rd Floor, Language Diagnostic & Consulting Center
Ⅲ. Competition Rules and Guidelines: Refer to the attached document.