【歡迎報名】2024「文藻盃」文藻AI口說風雲賽:朗讀與跟讀大比拼 2024 Wenzao AI Speaking Stars: The Ultimate Read Aloud & Shadowing Battle
發布日期 2024-10-16 14:39:00

※請點選文字進入檔案連結 Please click the text to access the file link.
1. 介紹 (Introduction):
2. 簡章 (Competition Brochure):
3. 規則 (Rules):
4. 報名 (Registration): 報名Google表單 Google Form
5. 組隊 (Team Formation):
- 隊長及隊員加入比賽流程說明(電腦版) Instructions for the Team Leader and Team Members to Join the Competition (Desktop Version)
- 隊長及隊員加入比賽流程說明(手機板) Instructions for the Team Leader and Team Members to Join the Competition (Mobile Version)
6. 隊長 ( Team Leader):
7. 隊員 (Team Members):
8. 客服聯繫 ( Contact Customer Service):